If you cannot find your question in the list below, please submit your question using the feedback form. Please remember to add your e-mail address, so we can respond to your question. You may also call us on telephone number +31 297 231 400.
Let us help you!
You can search on supplier number, product description or item number. The green 'All Products' button in the menu bar enables you to find a particular item easily and quickly. After selecting a product group, a new page will open with sub groups, showing the content of this product group. Here you can click through on groups to further refine your selection. When you click on an item from the last group you can see the item table with the product information. When you click ‘back to product overview’ below the menu bar, you will return to the overview of product groups.
Van Walraven customers can get full access to the site by using a username and password. You can request a login on the site or ask your regular contact person at Van Walraven. You will receive your login details within one working day.
If you can't sign in because you've forgotten your password or username, please go to the button “My account' and select 'login'. After this a pop-up will come up where you can click on 'I forgot my password'.
You will see the gross and net prices excluding VAT.
After logging in and choosing a particular product you can enter the quantity of the product you wish to order. When you click on “Shopping cart” or use the “enter” key, the product is placed on the order list. After this you can continue searching for more products. You can view your order at any time by clicking on the “Shopping cart” button on the menu bar. If you want to leave the site without placing the order, the order will be saved in your “Shopping cart” and will be available next time you log in.
To change or cancel a part of an order that has not been sent, go to the “Shopping cart” and click on the red cross behind the product. To delete an entire order, you will need to do this for all order lines.
We are happy to change your order for you, but this is only possible on the day you placed the order. Please contact our Sales department in Mijdrecht by phoning +31 297 231 400.
If in stock, orders placed before 17:00 hours will be delivered the next working day in The Netherlands. Orders placed via internet and ICM can be entered until 17:30.
Step 1: log in (as main user)
Step 2: go to “User management”
Here you can add extra users and give them access to your account.
To change the details of a user, click on the pencil icon, change the details and then click on the “Update” button.
The user will receive a confirmation e-mail as soon as the account has been created. This mail will contain a link to our website, where the user can enter their own password. The user is now active and can get going.
You can download the ICC and PAB files from the 'My account' -> ‘Downloads’ page when you are logged in.
Please contact our administration department on number +31 297 – 23 14 00.
For questions about your terms and conditions, please contact your account manager or the sales department on +31 297 231 400.
To create additional users for your company, please click the button “My account” -> "User management" in the menu bar.
To define alternative delivery addresses for your orders, please select your prefed delivery addresses in step 2 of the checkout proces.
Under “Your account’’, click on “Backorder list” to open an overview of all outstanding orders. By default this service is only available to the main user. If you would like other users in your organisation to be able to see the list of backorders, you can easily change this by checking the option “May view backorders” in the user settings.
Nijverheidsweg 26
3641 RR Mijdrecht
0297 - 30 00 00
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